Modelleisenbahn GmbH Plainbachstraße 4 A - 5101 Bergheim Austria
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Free hotline for Germany, Austria and Switzerland: 00800 57626000 International hotline (at local call rates within the landline network; calls from mobiles max. € 0.42 per minute incl. VAT): +43 820 200668
Headquarters: Modelleisenbahn GmbH Plainbachstraße 4 A - 5101 Bergheim Austria
Trade Register Commercial Register Court of Salzburg FN 265173 k Managing Directors: Irmtraud Königshofer, Tassilo Gruber, Erwin Negeli VAT ID no. ATU 61822718
GLN: 40 05575 0000 00 WEEE: DE 67942834 LUCID: DE2959968108592 ARA number: 15806 ERA number 51142 CITEO number 521837 FCC Registration Number (FRN): 0031514482 EPR Registration Number: FR208567_01EDGL REX: ATREXD0018V7 EORI: ATEOS1000002112
Modelleisenbahn Holding GmbH Plainbachstraße 4 A - 5101 Bergheim Austria Trade Register Commercial Register Court of Salzburg FN 300088 g Managing Directors: Irmtraud Königshofer, Andreas Pirkner-Reithofer VAT ID no. ATU 64392302
MODELLEISENBAHN VIET NAM ONE MEMBER LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 an 6 Tien Phong 9 Street, Mapletree Binh Duong Industrial Park, Hoa Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot City Binh Duong Province Vietnam
Register of Companies: 3703468066 Registered Office: Tinh Binh Duong Managing Directors: Jimmy Nguyen, Erwin Negeli
Disclaimer Modelleisenbahn GmbH endeavours to provide the content of this website and all print media to a high level of quality. Despite their utmost care, Modelleisenbahn GmbH cannot assume any warranty or liability for the accuracy, validity or completeness of the content and information included on this website and in print media. No warranty or liability shall be accepted for any damage of a material or immaterial nature by the use, non-use or withholding of incorrect or incomplete information on this website, assuming this is not due to demonstrable intent or gross negligence on the part of Modelleisenbahn GmbH. Modelleisenbahn GmbH reserves the right to update at any time the content and technical features of the products described. The illustrations are in part handmade samples, photomontages or CAD graphics and may deviate from the end product. The final and delivered design of the models may therefore deviate from the images shown. Electrical and mechanical data and dimensions are provided without warranty. Products from series production may differ in detail from the models depicted. It is possible that the products depicted or described may not be available in your country. The products depicted are subject to changes and specific delivery options. The content we communicate could have been created with the help of AI.
Data protection Modelleisenbahn GmbH expressly states that it shall under no circumstances accept responsibility for the content of obvious links and references provided on this website. It is not possible for us to influence linked websites. For this reason, the legal responsibility lies solely with the operator of the website in question. See also the separate Privacy Policy
Photos Modelleisenbahn GmbH, M. Zirn, S. Zenzmaier, M. Huber, H. Gogg and the photographers stated under their respective images.
No warranty or liability shall be accepted for any damage of a material or immaterial nature by the use, non-use or withholding of incorrect or incomplete information in this catalogue, assuming this is not due to demonstrable intent or gross negligence on the part of Modelleisenbahn GmbH. Modelleisenbahn GmbH reserves the right to update at any time the content and technical features of the products described. Many of the illustrations are photomontages and CAD drawings.
®Registered trade marks: ROCO, FLEISCHMANN, FLÜSTERSCHLEIFER, ROCO LINE, GEOLINE, Z21, multiMAUS, smart RAIL. Trademark owners: Modelleisenbahn GmbH, Plainbachstrasse 4, A-5101 Bergheim; Austria In accordance with §§ 10, 10a MarkenSchG (Trademark Act), the trademark owner prohibits third parties from using the registered trademark in business transactions without their consent.
Note: The EU Commission provides the opportunity for online dispute resolution on an online platform operated by the Commission. This platform can be accessed via the external link
Integrity Policy MODELLEISENBAHN GMBH, in line with its Corporate Governance Policy, provides employees, customers and suppliers the opportunity to make anonymous contact through in order to report potential violations of laws and regulations, particularly in the areas of embezzlement and corruption. Reports of this kind are subject to legal retention requirements and are kept for up to 10 years. Should internal investigations reveal that the received reports are true, the company will take the appropriate measures.
9. Links to third-party websites The website may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites that do not belong to the MODELLEISENBAHN GMBH group of companies. If you visit these websites, MODELLEISENBAHN GMBH cannot accept any further responsibility for the confidential use of your data. The transmission of your data from the internet is sometimes unencrypted. As a result, it is not possible to fully exclude the risk of unauthorised disclosure to third parties.
10. MODELLEISENBAHN GMBH’s commitment to protecting the privacy of minors The protection of data belonging to minors is important to us. For this reason, we do not under any circumstances record or maintain any data relating to minors who to our knowledge are under 14 years of age, without having obtained in advance the verifiable consent of legal guardians. In addition, we only request from minors the minimum personal details that are absolutely necessary to participate in activities. On request, legal guardians are able to view or delete the data stored on their ward.
11. Updates to this Privacy Policy Due to the rapid development of the internet, it may be necessary that from time to time we make modifications to our Privacy Policy. For this reason, please always refer to the latest version.
12. Acceptance of this Privacy Policy By using this Privacy Policy, visitors declare that they have read and understood this Privacy Policy and accept their exclusive validity.
1. The "crossed-out wheeled garbage can" symbol requires the separate disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Electrical and electronic equipment may contain hazardous and environmentally harmful substances. Therefore, do not dispose of this not in unsorted residual waste, but at a designated collection point for waste electrical and electronic equipment. In doing so, you are helping to protect resources and the environment. For further information, please contact your local authority or your local waste disposal company.
2. The packaging materials can be recycled. It is therefore recommended to dispose of them in sorted waste.
3. Declaration of conformity We hereby confirm that this product complies with the essential requirements, regulations and directives of the EU according to EMC 2014/30/EU, LVD 2014/35/EU and RoHS 2011/65/EU.